Welcome to PIET!

Join PIET and lead your way to one of the best and distinguished research-based institute

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PIET focuses on developing the leadership skills among students and for this purpose many societies are formed within institute.

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Honorary Visits

PIET always welcomes honorable guests who intend to visit the institute for information purpose.

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“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.”

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Life at PIET is not all about academics and study alone.

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Our library is the main hub where students get access to all type of material that proves beneficial for them in research and other work.

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A collection of pictures that exhibits different events and success stories of PIET.

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“Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.”

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Institute Innovative Features

PIET keeps on updating the curriculum according to the latest research and development for a successful career. Research activities are primarily focused on achieving the objective of speedy attainment of industrial capability in newly emerging fields of science, engineering and technology in the context of scientific and technological areas of national interest.

Development in all fields is at a rapid pace especially the research culture has advanced tremendously in all the subjects. Keeping in mind the importance of seminars, PIET has focused on organizing various seminars and workshops that enhance student’s knowledge and skills.

PIET is proud to have highly qualified faculty members who work earnestly for providing quality education and creating a research-oriented environment for students. A range of high-quality trainings are held after regular intervals for improving the teaching skills of our teachers. Studying at PIET under the supervision of outstanding teachers bring a positive impact on students.

PIET is fully equipped with laboratories to meet the demands of Engineering and non-Engineering disciplines. These labs will provide students an opportunity to design and develop engineering projects at the next level. As our main thrust is on high-quality teaching and goal-oriented R&D, high-quality laboratories and research facilities are made available to the faculty and students round-the-clock.

A respite from tough study schedules PIET focused on various events and activities that make students healthy and active.  This is necessary to re-invigorate their energies and for the overall holistic development of the participants. The Office of Director Student Affairs (DSA) manages a wide range of clubs and societies catering for both co-/extracurricular activities.

News & Events

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Admissions 2021 are Open N0w!

PIET offers four-year undergraduate degree programs in 2021 in the disciplines of engineering and computing which serve as the foundation of higher education degrees. The offered programmes include a general cluster of knowledge that promotes a well-rounded education. PIET is considered one of the top institutions for engineering and computing programs 2021 in Southern Punjab, Pakistan. Click Here to get more detail about admissions 


Annual sports 2021

PIET Annual Sports Week is enacted every year to inculcate the spirit of sportsmanship among the students. It is an opportunity for everybody to involve with playing, delivering, leading, or working in order to celebrate and raise awareness regarding the importance of games and extracurricular activities among youth.

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