Eligibility Requirements
An applicant for admission to any of the B.Sc. Degree Programme in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical must fulfill the following eligibility requirements:
He/ She should have passed the Intermediate (Pre-Engineering) Examination with Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics from a Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education of Punjab, Federal or an equivalent examination recognized by the concerned University.
General Eligibility Requirements
An applicant for admission to any of the B.Sc. Engineering Degree Programme offered by the University must fulfill the following requirements:
- He/ She should have obtained at least 60% marks in examination on the basis of which he/she seeks admission and he/she not over twenty four (24) years of age on the last date of admission. Marks for Hafiz-e-Quran and entry test where applicable shall be added only for determination of merit.
- He/ She should be a bonafide resident of the area from where he/she seeks admission.
- He/ She should meet standards of physique and eye-sight laid down in the medical certificate.
- He/ She must have appeared in the Entry Test for Session 2021 arranged by the University of Engineering & Technology Lahore.
Seats for Diploma Holders
- For admission against seats reserved for the holders of Diploma of Associate Engineer, the candidate should have passed diploma examination of a Board of Technical Education in the relevant technology with minimum 60% aggregate marks and he/she not over forty years (40) of age on the last date of admission.
- Applicants seeking admission against seats reserved for the holders of 3 years Diploma of Associate Engineer shall only be eligible if their diplomas are in relevant technology as specified against each degree program given below.
Electrical Engineering |
Mechanical Engineering |
Civil Engineering |
- A candidate having diploma in any other technology shall not be eligible for admission. The admission of all eligible diploma holders in a specific discipline will be purely based on merit.
- Candidates possessing Diploma of Associate Engineer cannot apply for admission on any other category except that has been reserved for the holders of 3 years Diploma of Associate Engineer.
Provisions about admission on the Basis of a B.Sc. Degree
- For admission to the B.Sc. courses in Electrical, Mechanical and Civil Engineering, an applicant must have passed the B.Sc. examination with Mathematics and Physics.
- A person possessing a B.Sc. degree is NOT eligible for admission to any Bachelor’s Engg. Degree Program at the College unless he/she has also passed F.Sc. (Pre-Engineering or Pre Medical) examination as per clause I(Eligibility Requirements) and II(General Eligibility Requirements).
Equivalent Examinations
The University recognizes the following examinations as equivalent to the Intermediate (Pre Engineering) Examination with Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics of the Pakistani Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education:
- Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
- British General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
- F.Sc. (Pre-Medical) with Mathematics as an additional subject.
- American High School Graduation Diploma (12th Grade) or equivalent.
Eligibility Requirements:
Intermediate with at least 50% aggregate marks in any of the following:
- Pre-Engineering/Commerce
- General Science/Humanities with any of Computer or Mathematics.
- DAE with Electrical/Electronics/IT Technology.
- A-level with Computer/Mathematics.
- Pre-Medical, subject to qualification of additional Mathematics subjects within 1st year of program.
The applicant should submit the application form and the desired documents (as per enclosed checklist) along with the Admission Dues in the form of a Bank draft in favour of Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Multan.