Dr. Anum Zehra

Dr. Anum Zehra

HoD/Assistant Professor



Ø  PhD. Mathematics

     Year: 2014-2020

    University: Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan.

Ø  M.Sc. Mathematics

    Year: 2006-2008

              University: Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan

Ø  B.Sc. Mathematics

     Year: 2004-2006

            University: Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan



Ø Assistant Professor Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Multan Pakistan from Aug 2016 – to Date

Ø Visiting Lecturer at NFC IET,BZU Multan from Nov 2008 to Aug 2013

   Professional Certification


Ø Jan-2020 Motivational speaker for PhD Students in CASPAM titled as “What it takes to do PHD”.


Ø Apr-2018, 2019 5th and 6th Caspam regional Student Olympiad of Mathematics, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan (President of PhD student organization committee).


Ø Nov-2017 Achieved 1st position for Young Researcher Award in CICMA, 6-7 Nov 2017,BZU, Multan.


Ø Aug-2017 Workshop on undergraduate mathematics skills, BZU, Multan (Ph.D. Organizing committee).



Ø Scientific Work Place (swp)






Ø Mayura.


Ø Mathematica


Ø Event Organizing.


Ø Mathematics and Its applications


Ø Reading and Writing.


Ø English Proficiency exams (7.5 Each)




Ø On controllability and observability of fractional continuous-time linear systems with regular pencils(2017).

Ø Controllability and Observability of linear impulsive descriptor systems: a Drazin inverse approach. (Accepted, to be published in June 2020).

Ø Economically Effective and Intelligently Responsive Home Energy Management System (2019).

Ø “ACHPA: A sensor based system for Automatic Environmental Control in Hydroponics” (Accepted, 2019).

Ø On the controllability and observability of fractional impulsive descriptor systems (Under review, 2020).


Research Interest

Ø Control Theory 

Ø Dynamical Systems 

Ø Fractional Calculus