Engr. Muhammad Owais Tariq

Engr. Muhammad Owais Tariq

Assistant Professor



Ø PhD Electrical Engineering

          Year: Under Progress

         University: Riphah International University Islamabad


Ø M.Sc. Electrical Engineering

          Year: 2013

        University: National University of Science and Technology Islamabad


Ø B.Sc. Electronics Engineering

         Year: 2011

        University: NFC Institute of Engineering and Technology Multan


Ø Assistant Professor from 2015 to till date at PIET Multan

Ø Lecturer from 2013 to 2015 at PIET Multan

Ø Research Assistant from 2012 to 2013 at NUST, CEME

Ø Teaching Assistant from 2011 to 2012 at NUST, CEME

Ø Assistant Engineer from 1993 to 1996 at Public Sector Organization.

Research Group

Ø Magnetic Levitation

Ø Sonar based surrounding mapping

Ø Arduino based 3D scanner

Ø Protein farm environment monitoring system

Ø Robotic arm for handling delicate objects

Ø Water quality testing bench

Professional Certification

Ø Awarded merit scholarship as fee waiver in entire MS duration

Ø Awarded merit scholarship two times during BSc on position May 2012 –

Ø  May 2013 at NILOP, PIEAS, Islamabad, Pakistan: Received training at NILOP Thin Film Growth Lab for optimization of DC Sputter equipment, MBE and Thermal Evaporator. Managed to work on thin film deposition of Vanadium Oxide, Zinc Oxide and development of Gallium Nitride substrate

Ø April 2012 at NILOP, PIEAS, Islamabad, Pakistan: Participated at Technology Workshop on Atomic Physics and Nanofabrication

Ø April 2012 at Pak-China Forum, Islamabad, Pakistan: Participated in Workshop on Renewable Energy


Ø Micro and Nano fabrication: Silicon Processing Techniques, Mask Design, Metal Deposition, Photo lithography, Microscopy, Wet Etching (Metal, Silicon, Oxide), Chemical Vapor Deposition, Thin Film Deposition

Ø Hands on experience on DC Sputter, MBE, e-beam and Thermal Evaporator for thin film deposition

Ø Design/Layout with Silvaco TCAD. Semiconductor Device Fabrication (Solar Cell) FPGA (Verilog & VHDL-XILINX Spartan Kit) MEMS Pro & Intellisuite for MEMS designing



Ø ACHPA: A sensor based system for automatic environmental control in hydroponics, Food Science and Technology DOI:10.1590/fst.13319

Ø Economically Effective and Intelligently Responsive Home Energy Management System, July 2019, DOI: 10.22581/muet1982.1903.06

Ø An Efficient Framework for Information Security in Cloud Computing Using Auditing Algorithm Shell (AAS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 14, No. 11, November 2016

Ø Design of a Voltage-tunable Tricolor (Blue/Cyan/Green) Monolithic Solid State LED Proceedings of 2014 11th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology (IBCAST) Islamabad, Pakistan, 14th – 18th January, 2014


Research Interest