Training programmes provide an insight to students regarding productivity of training in industry. It is a great achievement for PIET that our undergraduate students of Electrical Department Qurat ul Ain (Final year) and Romil Imtiaz(3rd year) attended IEEE SPS Summer School on Intelligent Signal and Information Processing in China. The main aim of the training programme was to provide participants with a series of tutorials on topics of edge computing, video coding and data compression, computational imaging methods, genomic data representation, speech processing and Artificial Intelligence. In training session various speakers having multi domain were involved from different famous institutions. The main speakers were Nirwan Ansari (Professor, IEEE Fellow New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA), Yo-Sung Ho (Professor, IEEE Fellow Gwangju Institute of Technology, South Korea), Steve McLaughlin (Professor, IEEE Fellow Heriot-Watt University, UK), Jörn Ostermann (Professor, IEEE Fellow Leibniz University Hannover, Germany) and Furui Sadaoki (Professor, IEEE Fellow Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan). PIET is proud to have such talented students who undertake such trainings at undergraduate level during the semester break and improve their skills and work ethics.