Imtiaz Ali

Engr. Imtiaz Ali



Ø Ph.D. Environmental Engineering

          Year: 2021

                     University:   Tianjin University China

Ø M.Sc. Energy & Environmental Engineering

          Year: 2015

                     University:  MUET

Ø B.Sc. Civil Engineering

          Year: 2009

                    University:  QUEST Nawabshah


Ø  Senior Civil Engineer from June 2020 to Oct 2020 at PEMC (Perfect Engineering and Management Consultants)

Ø  Assistant Professor        from Dec 2018 to Oct 2019 at BBSUTSD University of Technology Khairpur Mir’s.

Ø  HSE Manager from May 2015 to Aug 2016        at IVCC Engineering Pvt Ltd, KHI

Ø  Lecturer from April 2016 to June 2016 at Government College of Technology, Khairpur Mir’s

Ø  WASH (Water Sanitation & Hygiene) Engineer from 2010 to 2014 at CRS (Catholic Relief Services), USA based Organization

Ø  WASH & Physical Infrastructure Engineer from April -Dec 2010 At SRSO (Sindh Rural Support Program)

       Research Group

Ø  CO2-assisted gasification of waste tire: Influence of process parameter on syngas composition and product distribution.

Ø  Gasification and pyrolysis of raw MSW in TG-MS system: A comparison of thermal decomposition, gas release, and kinetic analysis.

Ø  Kinetics and evolved gaseous analysis of municipal solid waste using thermogravimetric-mass spectrometer via air gasification

     Professional Certification

Ø  Appreciation Award-HSE Manager (From Client Power China-SEPCOIII)

Ø  SPOT Award-WASH Engineer (From CRS Pakistan)

Ø  Special Reorganization Award (From CRS Pakistan)


Ø  Fire Safety-HABC Level 2 (UK)

Ø  Project Procurement & Contract Management (Arranged by PEC)

Ø  Total Quality Management ( Arranged by NPO)

Ø  Material Quality Inspection (Arranged by CRS)

Ø  Effective Proposal Writing Skills( Arranged by UMID)



Ø  Accelerated co-precipitation of lead, zinc and copper by carbon dioxide bubbling in alkaline Municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) fly ash wash, RSC Advances (I.F.3.48) 

Ø  Immobilization of trace elements in MSWI fly ash by producing calcium sulfoaluminate cement after carbonation & washing” Waste Management & Research (I.F 1.338)

Ø  Geochemical modeling and assessment of leaching from carbonated municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) fly ash, Journal: Environmental Science and Pollution Research (I.F 2.828)

Ø  Analysis of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Polluted Mancher Lake and health issues surrounding by Lake, Sindh Pakistan”. Conference: Paper in 7th International Academic Conference for Graduates NUAA 2017), Nanjing China.

Ø  “Effect of heating rates on thermal decomposition and Syngas Production of Non-recycled Plastic waste bottles through TG-MS gasification” Poster in 1st International Conference on Energy and Environment ICEE2019) Sept 19-22, 2019 Nanjing, China.



Research Interest