
What We Are?

Our modern world would be inconceivable without   computer   information.  From engineering to business   management, medicine to biology, and language processing through   to   psychology,   sociology   and archaeology – all the sciences today need computer-based knowledge for the evaluation of   their   data.   Computer   Science   and Information   Technology   are   the   blend   of different skills like information processing and handling as well as management skills.

Think out of Box

Expertise in computing helps you even if your primary career choice is something else.


Our vision behind this programme is to impart the knowledge and skills necessary to apply knowledge of computing in various disciplines. We want to produce graduates who can ably deal with the theoretical foundations of Computer Technology by understanding computing needs and by selecting, designing and evaluating a computer-based system & process.


Our aim is to inculcate the ability among students to design and develop different softwares related to information systems, management, science and   business   alike.   This   creates    strong practical relevance, which is exactly what makes the subject so exciting and is opening up eve moremployment opportunitie for computer graduates.

·  T develop   students’  understanding   of technical concepts and build up their capacity for innovation in their chosen field.

·  To provide the students with the opportunities of broad-based curriculum necessary to work across  many disciplines,  state-of-the-art  labs and guidelines to broaden their research skills.