
PIET focuses on developing leadership skills among students and for this purpose many societies are formed within the institute. Societies with respect to their purpose are responsible for organizing curricular and extra-curricular activities. Such societies have brought revolutionary changes among our students. We keep in view all the traditional and cultural values and organize functions. The quality of life at PIET can be seen through various recreational activities and competitions that are held from time to time. PIET fully supports academic activities and competitions as well as sports activities. Fascinating recreational activities are arranged for students to enhance their athletic abilities. All the activities and competitions assist in establishing effective relations among the students and faculty members. Even recreational and educational activities with other institutes are arranged for retaining effectual relations.

Student Union

Along with academic excellence, students at PIET are encouraged to exhibit their dynamic, literary, creative and artistic abilities and aptitude for co-curricular activities. In order to provide organized opportunities to our students to pursue their passion in the company of like-minded individuals, various societies have been established.

The Director of Student Affairs oversees the activities of various societies while the nominated faculty is responsible for coordinating with the students.

The following societies provide students an opportunity to exhibit their talents:

PIET Horticulture Society
Horticulture society is an organization devoted to the study and culture of cultivated plants. Such organizations may be local, regional, national, or international. Some have a more general focus, whereas others are devoted to a particular kind or group of plants.
Literary Society
In Literary Society students are given opportunities to participate in writing contests, article writing and in poetry contests. Its purpose is to assist aspiring writers in channelizing their potentials in the right direction providing a path to help them better understand their capabilities. We sponsor the lighthearted meetings on a weekly basis in order to promote mingling and socializing amongst members which will prove to be a fail-safe method for everyone to explore and hone the reservoirs from which their skills originate. It also promotes media literacy among students through magazines, newsletters and student diaries.
HealthCare and Blood Donating Society
The main objective of this society is to serve humanity with team work. We are also caring about the health of people and we want a healthy society inside and outside the institute. It is to save the people by providing awareness about health and benefits of blood donation at the time of need.
Debating Society
This society inculcates confidence; unlock the free speech and engagement within students. Everyone is welcomed to get involved. PIET aims to empower students with the skills of expressing their beliefs clearly and concisely, public speaking and effective communication in a formal setting. Such a society seeks to create a teamwork environment where students learn to work both for their own improvement and success of their peers. It encourages students to diversify their co-curricular experience and thus uphold the motto “Courage to Speak”.
Community Service Society
This society is conceived upon the motive to serve the local community’s hopes and later intended to broaden its spectrum towards outside the local vicinity. It also leads the services by raising fund and then served upon the priority need of the community. This society is responsible to cater the philanthropy activities in one’s life. Members will be responsible for inviting scholars and motivational speakers for ethical grooming.
Research Society
It promotes research collaboration and to foster research development of the members. It provides support to academics and research students in pursuing research excellence to advance knowledge in academia and transfer knowledge to the relevant industries.
Recreational Society
TIt provides facilities for sporting, recreational and social well-being of the Community of PIET. It assists in building bridges between all members of PIET and also promotes equability of access for all groups, including groups with special needs.
Awareness Society
It is to create awareness among the students by society members or those students who have gained any achievement i.e. seminars by students, PEC certification, personal and professional development, national interest, importance of organization, why PIET is at top, research publications, projects competitions etc. This society is also responsible to collect complaints from students by members of students’ complaint forum and discuss it with competent authority so that the issue can be resolved.
Media Society
The purpose of this society is to develop or collect videos from different departments regarding the motivational stuff, seminars, workshops, projects and tours.