The progress of any country depends on quality of human resources for various sectors of the economy. Universities play a significant role in producing quality of human resources. Therefore, Higher Education commission (HEC), has been emphasizing the importance of higher education through establishing and implementing Quality Enhancement Cells (QECs) at all public and private sector universities and higher education institutions. The function of QECs is to implement quality policies and programs as advised by National Quality Assurance Committee of Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.
The University QMS has been implemented at PIET which consists of Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), Department Quality Enhancement Cell (DQEC), Industrial Advisory Board (IAB), Board of Studies (BOS), Board of Faculty, Academic Council, University Syndicate and University Senate.
Furthermore, PIET’s own QEC is working for developing the quality assurance processes and methods of evaluation to affirm the provisions of quality and standard of awards maintained in each program and to foster curriculum, subject and staff development together with research and other scholarly activities.
All the data including curriculum, course files, faculty review forms and direct/indirect assessment after the completion of each semester is gathered by the Department Quality Enhancement Cell (DQEC).
Framework of Quality Management System (QMS) followed as per parent University